• techlady


    Why You Should Consider a Travel Phone

    By / April 12, 2011

    Have you ever considered a travel phone? The reason why this suggestion is being made is due to the fact that your mobile phone might not be the best device to take with you when you travel abroad. For one, making and receiving calls can be very expensive and in doing so, you might rack… Read more

    Dell Plans to Expand Its ‘Cloud Computing’ Services

    By / April 1, 2011

    Dell has recently announced that it wants to spend $ 1 billion in the next two years in order to open 10 data centers and invest in the expansion of customer support so as to facilitate the sale of software, hardware and other services to large companies, and which will make the process of doing… Read more

    Why You Should opt For a Global SIM Card?

    By / March 21, 2011

    If you are due to go off on an international trip, whether for business or pleasure, one of the most important things that needs to be taken into consideration is the fact that your mobile bill might really hit the roof since you need to stay connected to your friends, family, and loved ones. All… Read more

    The Top Five Most-Used Text Editors

    By / March 20, 2011

    With the need for improvements in text editors, the current crop of text editors is being continuously updated, while several more are being added every year to the list that already exists. Yet there are some text editors that continue to be used for the reason that they are able to meet the needs of… Read more

    3 Common Power Point Tips

    By / February 15, 2011

    With the use of computers being a must in the business world today, it is good to stay acquainted with the latest (and even the most common) software such as Microsoft Office.  And while it might be easy to use Microsoft Word, one can often find it difficult to use Microsoft Power Point, and so… Read more

    Will Tablet Computers Take Over?

    By / January 17, 2011

    The computer market is moving and shaking again. Just a few short years ago, the Netbook, or mini-laptop was the current rage. Many computer users thought they wanted one, as the price point was comfortable, and the relatively small and convenient size looked attractive. Netbooks utilize Flash memory, making the lack of moving parts found… Read more

    The Mysterious Green Light on the Motherboard

    By / March 27, 2010

    Opening up a PC is a task for those who know what they are doing. In the event that you have opened up the casing and just glanced inside, you might have noticed a strange green light on the motherboard. The mystery behind this little green LED light is actually quite simple. To understand this… Read more

    Get Rid of Piggybacking Spyware

    By / March 27, 2010

    Although the thought of software taking a piggyback ride on another sounds funny, the results of downloading and using such software are not. Piggybacking occurs in two forms, malicious and non-malicious. The non-malicious kind comes along with “decent” software. For example, reputed software providers like Adobe include an already pre-selected option to install a web… Read more

    Connecting a Laptop to a TV

    By / March 19, 2010

    There are various reasons as to why users would want to connect their Laptops to their TVs. Doing so is not really a difficult task, but it does require a basic knowledge about ports and cables. If you have to hook up your laptop and TV, then the first thing to do would be to… Read more

    Computer Rental as an Alternative to Purchasing

    By / March 19, 2010

    Renting a computer is an option that works for a select few. Anyone who wishes to own a computer should not consider this option as the rental cost in the long run will be greater than the cost purchasing a computer. For example, assume that a computer costs $1000 and rental costs $50 a month…. Read more

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