• techlady


    Top Five Common Computer Problems And Solutions

    By / August 11, 2009

    The most often encountered software problems are directly related to the connection with the Internet. Stand-alone off-line computers rarely experience software issues that aren’t a result of a hardware failure. Since the vast majority of computer users are wired into the Internet one way or another, those particular software vulnerabilities will always be exploited, one… Read more

    Backing Up Your Computer Files Online

    By / August 5, 2009

    Many of us store important work and personal documents on our laptops, or on optical discs. However, we all have had a computer crash at one point or another, perhaps with the loss of important information, and so online data storage facilities sprouted up to save us from these mishaps. But are your computer files… Read more

    Why Your Computer Needs a Registry Cleanup

    By / August 3, 2009

    Do you know why your computer needs a registry cleanup? Do you remember how fast it was when you first bought it? Are you using the control, alt, delete buttons more and more frequently? Of course, there are many problems that you can have with your computer. Running a registry cleanup may not fix them… Read more

    PCI Serial Card Basics

    By / May 27, 2009

    Users who need to install a scanner, zip drive, or new printer to a computer can feel frustrated when the machine has run out of available ports! In this case, there is a simple solution—users can add an expansion card that has two or more serial ports. The cards can also replace non-working ports. A… Read more

    RELECTRIC Offers Electrical Part Pick Up and Demolition

    By / April 16, 2009

    As one of the leading electrical parts salvaging companies in the United States, RELECTRIC helps companies to recycle their Cutler hammer breakers and other electrical parts. But what if you have a large amount of electrical systems which need to be broken down or demolished before they can be disposed of properly? Fortunately, RELECTRIC can… Read more

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