Facts to consider when buying a lap top

A lap top computer is becoming more of a necessity in today’s world with sales soaring over the past few years. If you are looking to buy a computer here are some facts to consider.


This will be a personal preference depending on the purpose you will be using it for. If you travel a lot, a light weight computer will be ideal and if you are more stationary a computer with a larger monitor will be a better option.

Is the software included?

Some computers are sold with only the operating system installed while others have other software packages installed. If you feel you are paying extra for the software make sure it is compatible to your requirements.


Make sure it is compatible with your needs. If you need to do Power Point presentations you need a computer with SVGA, S-Video or other such port that will enable such connection. If you need to burn DVD’s make sure it has a DVD writer.

Processor speed:

If you plan to run high end software you need a computer with a higher processor speed. Choose a computer with at least 2 GHz for better performance.

Written by Admin